Mmm. This was so good! So good in fact, that I still think about it... 2 years later!! This picture was taken on a FUN foodie / friends night during the first winter after college. Yes, yes, I do realize that neither asparagus NOR tomatoes are winter produce but this meal was so, so good. And, I'm working on sticking to the seasons! Nobody is perfect, right? I'm definitely not. :)
This meal was at my first (rental) home! My first "I've graduated, have no money, and live in a dump" home! This home was CUTE but old (aka cold and cock roach infested...YUCK!). But I have some wonderful memories there. This meal being one of them.
Two of my closest girlfriends (Sarah and Courtney) who also love to cook came over to help me create it. We used to get together and cook all the time - oh the days!! Why is life so busy now?
We pulled the meal together from my at-the-time favorites (Food Network and Pioneer Woman). I actually still love both, but PW is harder for me to use since I've become lactose intolerant and more health conscious. (But boy, do I love her blog! She is hilarious!)
So, what's on the plate you ask?? Well, I'll tell ya! Delicious Sticky Chicken and tomatoes, lemon asparagus and rosemary bread. For dessert we made blackberry crisp with lactose free vanilla ice cream.
Now before I keep going, let me state some disclaimers. Some of this food is not in season. None of this food is organic. Some of it I wouldn't consider my best option if I am going forward in a "whole foods" direction. I'm aware of this and need YOU to be aware of this. However, this dinner was so fantastic that I would make it again, albeit with a few healthy changes.
Jamie Oliver's chicken recipe I wouldn't change. I really like his passion for whole, natural foods. Not only that, but he's an activist. I'm encouraged by his actions, not just his words. You should check out his website to learn more about him and his vision.
As for the rosemary bread, I did use olive oil instead of butter. However, my more recent knowledge regarding fats and their burning points would prompt me to use Ghee...and probably not frozen bread. But to each his own! ; ) As for the dessert, I don't even remember the recipe...but I would definitely make this one at Sprouted Kitchen!
Next post I will actually have my own dishes and recipes written out...this was just for memories sake. Memories of "bottlecaps, hot water heater, yummy food we made together, tools of the trade, washer/dryer countertop space"

Here's to sweet memories!
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